Provides a brief label describing the StateExemptions property for the tax requiring this information. This allows the developer to use a meaningful prompt when requesting ‘StateExemptions’ information from the end user.
Here’s how you could set up a form which asks for StateExemptions input only when needed. The sefield.label can be used to create a more informative form label, rather than calling this input “StateExemptions:“.
// using TaxControls;try { CTaxControl tc = new CTaxControl(); tc.DataFilename = "us.dat"; Tax t = tc.Taxes.Item(emp.taxname[i]); if (t.StateExemptionsTag != "" ) { sefield.visible = True; sefield.label = t.StateExemptionsTag; sefield.tooltip = t.StateExemptionsInstructions; }} catch (TaxControlException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message);}
//import com.boondocks.taxcontrols.*;try { TaxControl tc = new TaxControl(); tc.setDataFilename("us.dat"); Tax t = tc.getTaxes().get(emp.taxname[i]); if (t.getStateExemptionsTag() != "" ) { miscfield.visible = true; miscfield.label = t.getStateExemptionsTag(); miscfield.tooltip = t.StateExemptionsInstructions(); }} catch (TaxControlException e) { e.printStackTrace();}
value = object.
Part | Description |
object | A Tax object. |
value | A string result. |