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Hello World

For a first project, we’ll enter some very simple code and compile it. This should establish that your environment is in good shape.

  1. Enter code

    In file named ‘HelloWorld.cs’, enter the following:

using System;
using TaxControls;
class HelloWorld{
public static void Main(){
CTaxControl tc = new CTaxControl();
  1. Enter code

    In a file named ‘’, enter the following:

import com.boondocks.taxcontrols.TaxControl;
public class HelloWorld{
public static void main(String[] args){
TaxControl tc = new TaxControl();
  1. Compile

Compile the code at the command prompt by executing the following:

Terminal window
\...\csc.exe /reference:TaxControls.dll HelloWorld.cs
Terminal window
javac -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar
  1. Run

    Run the program by typing:

Terminal window
Terminal window
java -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar HelloWorld

You should see output showing the component version.