For a first project, we’ll enter some very simple code and compile it. This should establish that your environment is in good shape.
Enter code
In file named ‘HelloWorld.cs’, enter the following:
using System;using TaxControls;class HelloWorld{ public static void Main(){ CTaxControl tc = new CTaxControl(); Console.WriteLine(tc.SoftwareVersion); }}
Enter code
In a file named ‘’, enter the following:
import com.boondocks.taxcontrols.TaxControl;public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String[] args){ TaxControl tc = new TaxControl(); System.out.println(tc.getSoftwareVersion()); }}
- Compile
Compile the code at the command prompt by executing the following:
\...\csc.exe /reference:TaxControls.dll HelloWorld.cs
javac -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar
Run the program by typing:
java -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar HelloWorld
You should see output showing the component version.