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ZIP lookup

Listing tax names is a good start, but is not a convenient way to discover the appropriate taxes to apply. The TaxControls components provide a way to look up taxes using the workplace and residence ZIP codes, which will significantly reduce the number of taxes to consider.

  1. Enter Code

Enter the following code in a file named ‘Zips.cs’:

using System;
using TaxControls;
class Test{
public static void Main(){
try {
CTaxControl tc = new CTaxControl();
int work=20500;
int home=20301;
String taxes=tc.TaxNamesForZip(work, home);
foreach(String t in taxes.Split(",")){
} catch (TaxControlException e) {

Enter the following code in a file named ‘’:

import com.boondocks.taxcontrols.TaxControl;
import com.boondocks.taxcontrols.TaxControlException;
public class Zips{
public static void main(String[] args){
TaxControl tc = new TaxControl();
int work=20500;
int home=20301;
String taxes=tc.getTaxNamesForZip(work, home);
for (String t: taxes.split(",")){
} catch (TaxControlException e){
  1. Compile

Compile the code at the command prompt by executing the following:

Terminal window
\...\csc.exe /reference:TaxControls.dll Zips.cs
Terminal window
javac -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar
  1. Run

Run the code by typing:

Terminal window
Terminal window
java -classpath .;;TaxControls.jar Zips